Our Game. Our Stories.

Our Game. Our Stories.

The essence of soccer is captured in the fact that it connects a wide variety of people in a dynamic way. As we celebrate our 20th anniversary, we are profiling 20 individuals who have made a significant impact on the game of soccer or who have been impacted by soccer in a positive way. Here, we will show you the diversity of the beautiful game and how it connects everyone as one universal team...Together, We Are Soccer.

This is our game and these are our stories. Be sure to visit our site every week to see who we feature next!

Landon Donovan

Landon Donovan is a professional soccer player for the Los Angeles Galaxy and the U.S. Men’s National Team. He is the all-time leader in scoring and assists for the USMNT and is the only American player to reach the 50 goals/50 assists mark. He is a four-time winner of the U.S. Soccer Athlete of the Year award. Donovan is a member of the U.S. Soccer Foundation’s Players’ Advisory Council and is actively involved in philanthropic activities through the LA Galaxy and the LA Galaxy Foundation. His dedication to community service has been recognized extensively, including being named the U.S. Soccer Foundation’s Humanitarian of the Year in 2008.

Looking back, what is it about soccer that compelled you to play? 

I fell in love with soccer from the minute I started playing. My older brother, Josh, started playing with me as soon as I could start walking and I was immediately hooked!

You’re a member of our Players’ Advisory Council and you’re very involved with the LA Galaxy Foundation. How have you seen the game make a positive difference in your community?

Soccer is a truly uniting sport. I've witnessed firsthand, both here and abroad, how powerful this sport can be and how it can bring people and communities together. No other sport has ever had that kind of lasting impact.

We had great time with you and your teammates last spring when President Obama honored the LA Galaxy at the White House. What was it like to meet the President? 

I've been privileged to meet three different U..S presidents in my life and it has been a fantastic experience every time. There is something so special about meeting someone that has accomplished so much in their life and made their dreams come true.

Proper nutrition is essential to performing your best on and off the field. What do you eat before practice or a big game? 

I cannot stress enough how important nutrition is in life and especially in sports. Food is the energy that fuels us and allows us to perform at a high level. I usually eat a bowl of quinoa, chicken and a banana before a game as well as hydrating with lots of fluids and Gatorade.

What advice can you give to young players who are just starting out?

My advice to young players is very simple: Have fun! If you enjoy playing, you will always want to practice more, play more, learn more. It's very simple but I think that is a big reason why I am the player I am today.